The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves.
8.0 漫畫威龍2
3.0 冒牌上流
5.0 人生滑下坡
2.0 夏日情人
1992 喜劇簡介:庭獨居于桃花島,自稱桃花島主。與好友聰一起任沙灘救生員的工作。庭一直暗戀相識兼相知十年的好友敏,但不敢透露愛意,后來發現敏竟有十二年的夢中情人——辛加力,更加消極無奈。庭與聰二人某夜誑一間從未去過的“夢幻成真”鐳射影碟店,好奇心驅使他們二人入去參觀,不由自主買下了幾張鐳射女郎影碟回家解悶。庭和聰的命運由此改變時空開始逆轉:鐳射女郎竟可以活生生從電視屏幕中走出來…… 演員表: 拉塞爾·王——Zeniger 張堅庭——庭 周慧敏——Liza Paul Fonoroff——Laserdisc Shop Clerk 李麗珍——Janet 莫少聰——聰 黃沾——Uncle Wah 黃光亮——Ugly Guy in Supermarket 葉玉卿——Siu-Yuk -
9.0 拜倒迷你裙粵語
7.0 撈女日記