阿芬(蕭瑤 飾)住在莊家農場附近。農場獨子莊士德(宗華飾)外國歸來,其父想他早日接手一向由胡麟(韋弘 飾)管理的產業。胡一直與德之表妹曼玲(丹娜 飾)勾結!怎知在阿芬飼養的小蛇「西西」幫助下,德與芬結成夫婦。其後,胡竟買一條專咬人的野老鼠,由曼玲放入臥室,欲將德之初生嬰兒咬死,「西西」為救嬰兒,與野鼠作殊死搏鬥……
7.0 虎口奪金
4.0 我仍在此2024
5.0 貓無赦
8.0 蔓延的愛
4.0 無暇顧愛
2.0 解碼危機
2025 劇情簡介:Waking up chained to the ceiling in a warehouse somewhere in Lithuania Stephen, an ex-soldier, is faced by his interrogators. They tell him that he was involved in the kidnap of the Russian Foreign Minister by a far right group who will execute the Minister live on the internet in 90 minutes. They believe Stephen knows the whereabouts of the kidnapped Minister, but Stephen has ...